opiniones, referencias

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«No compone cotidianamente, sino gota a gota, volcándose de tarde en tarde en ideas largamente acariciadas y maduradas…» (J.L. García del Busto); «responde a un elevado tono intelectual pero, al mismo tiempo, a una exquisita sencillez…» (T. Marco); «conceptualmente elegante, casi aristocrático…» (J.L. Pérez de Arteaga); «el trasfondo, el sedimento cultural se percibe en todo momento de manera secreta pero inequívoca…» (A. Marías); «un creador cargado de ideas, de imaginación y de medios para plasmarlas…» (J. Romero), …

«A melancholic mood prevails in his works; his compositions play with memory…» (Ch. Heine); «represent the best kind of neo-Romanticism – which is to say, music with an innate sense of timeless Romanticism, without being self-consciously neo-anything…» (Records International); «Aracil achieves a remarkable transparency and facility exploring the DNA of earlier times…» (G.Ch. Covell); «he is one of the most interesting composers in Spanish contemporary music… Having studied in Spain and in Europe, seems to have gotten the best of both worlds, to go his own way…» (U.D. Lewis), …

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